


You can consult with Dr Ostrowski at your convenience, scheduled on a day and time that suits in your own home.

With over 25 years experience of working in central London and considerable specialist consultant knowledge, if a referral to a specialist is required, she will help arrange this together with providing you with a referral letter. 


variable cost depending on duration, longer consultations can be arranged

£450 new patient full registration consultation/ long consultation

£150 for under 12 years consultation

£250 consultation for 12 years and over, variable cost depending on duration


Telephone/ Video Consultation

Dr Ostrowski can provide the ease of a telephone or video consultation service for many queries. A face to face consultation may however still be required for some conditions.

Prescription Charge

We can forward prescriptions to the pharmacy of your choice.

Phlebotomy/ Blood taking

Dr Ostrowski will take any necessary blood tests herself or refer you to an independent blood taking service if you prefer. 


All Childhood Immunisations, Gardasil, Chicken Pox, Shingles, Routine Travel Vaccinations, Flu-Adult/Children - Trivalent/Quadrivalent/Nasal

Other Injectable: Kenalog, Vitamin B12


variable cost depending on duration









variable cost please speak to our administration team for further costings

Insurance Forms

Dr Ostrowski will complete insurance forms as soon as they are required, same day turnaround if needed.


various charges depending on the form type


Medical Reports/ Examinations

Medical reports and examinations scheduled and written at your convenience.

e.g. Full Medicals/ Fit to Fly / Diving / Marathon and other sporting assessments


various charges depending on the form type
